I am reflecting on my past year and really damn proud of how much has happened. The one thing that has kept me on track this entire year….consistency.

I worked out daily.

I stayed sober every single day of 2022.

I showed up online every damn day.

I mothered to the best of my ability every day.

I nurtured my soul, you guessed it, every day.

Daily standards are not negotiable based on how I feel or what’s going on in my world personally or professionally.

My skills as a photographer didn’t skyrocket out of nowhere. I learned more and grew, but the learning in itself isn’t what catapulted me. What launched my business into the stratosphere this year was the consistent way I showed up. I had to “try again” every single day. Every inch of growth came from how often I showed up to do the damn thing—especially when I didn’t feel like it.

We all know this works.

To be honest the amount of things in your life that you know you should do but don’t—that shit follows you. It creeps along after you all day long and if you ignore it, it gets bigger and bigger until you become overwhelmed and unable to move forward.

The better you get at your specific craft and the higher you reach in your life, the louder those things creeping after you become, can you hear them? Do you wish they would just shut up?

You are a fucking boss at what you do. We know that. You are motivated and a real certified badass. People admire you. So, why does it feel like pulling teeth to show up every day on social media? Why do you keep putting off those brand photos? Why do you ignore that homework on your ideal client?

I mean, you are already successful. You know how to push through. But this year, you want more than just good. You want better. You want to have the level of social presence and brand that you see and admire in others. And you know damn well you are capable of getting it,

So why don’t you have it yet? Because you are lazy and stupid (like your monkey brain tells you when you are trying to sleep)? NO. Fuck no.

It’s the same reason I don’t Google how to work out, make my own workouts, and do them alone in my garage. I need my class instructor saying, “ONE MORE REP!”

I am not less healthy of a person because I desire a community and guidance on something I know I need. You are the same.

And you have ways to get to that level of consistency, with some help.

I have two ways for you to jump into this with me to kick January off with a bang.

One is the Momentum Mastermind! What is that? It's a way for you to dive into your brand with such ferocity that the results will be EPIC. It's a weekly Mastermind with me, on Voxer. We will have 4 days/week that we have homework to focus your brand, and you can ask me ALL of your brand questions! This is the best way to really tell 2023 that you are SERIOUS about growth. Each month we will have a theme to help kickstart this growth, and the theme for January is consistency.

 Find out more about Momentum Mastermind here  

The other way to jump into consistency is to grab by Social Media Challenge bundle. My two very successful and much loved challenges to kick start your year. It is on sale right now for just $91 (Regular $420) for a limited time. Do it at yoru own pace! If you want to do this live with my support, we will be doing that in the Momentum Mastermind.

 Get the bundle now! 

About the Author Stephanie Rose

Stephanie Rose🌈 Creative director of iconic online brands.

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Posted in  Blog, Branding, Social Media   on  January 3, 2023 by  Stephanie Rose0